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There are many Trieste monthly reports about San Sabba, Opincina and Gesuiti. An example of one report is presented here. The full reports have significant additional detail. If interested in a particular report please get in touch. 

World’s YMCA/YWCA Service to Displace Persons in Austria Monthly Report, Trieste, January 1951


‘This report from Trieste by Clare McMurray shows a tremendous amount of energy and an almost unbelievable record in progress since the work was started there’.

Nan Thompson, Director of YM/YWCA Services in Austria


·4 new barracks at Opincina and 10 new barracks at San Sabba Annex have practically been completed.

·At Gesuiti the lofts are being used for living quarters with the addition of stoves and the sealing up of the cracks in the roof has made this habitable.

·Doctor appointed to deal with medical examinations of new arrivals.

·Agreement made for new refugees to be sent to the public baths and that clothing and belongings will be disinfected.

·In Opincina extra fuel rations negotiated to give extra warmth during the night for babies.

·Hot water supplies now in order in all three camps and is available at certain times during the day.

·Good facilities for washing laundry built at San Sabba and at Gesuiti. Planned to build the same for Opincina and the Annex.

·A little room at San Sabba has been set up with a cooking stove and some electric rings so that women may prepare extra food.

·A little kitchen at Gesuiti has been installed and the men make full use of it.

·I received 4 ton of macaroni from the Church World Service in New York. Most of this has been given to the camp stores and once per week there is macaroni pudding on the menu or some other similar dish. The money saved in the buying of pasta is used to buy extra fruit. Part is being exchanged for dried milk with the Lutheran Pastor who has received a large supply of this.

· Supplementary issue of food for expectant mothers has been arranged – need determined in consultation with the Doctors.

· Supplementary dry rations issued to babies up to six months.

· Partitioning one of the barracks to provide a children’s kitchen and dining room completed.

· 3 more classes opened for German speaking children.

· 3 German speaking teachers employed.

· Now an attendance of 300 children at school and 11 teachers employed.

· Proposed to open a Kindergarten in one of the barracks.

· Classes begun at San Sabba barrack – 240 registrations over 6 classes.

·Re-jigging of the Church barrack so can be used for school classes as well as religious groups.

·Regular meeting with medical staff and improvements to medical supplies have occurred and extra medical staff have been appointed.

· A Children’s Doctor appointed to San Sabba camp.

·90 bales of shoes and 250 bales of clothing, a total of 15 tons arrived and distributions have been done.

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