There are many Ried Rehabilitation Centre monthly reports. A summary of some monthly reports are presented here. The full reports have significant additional detail. If interested in a particular report please get in touch.
Ried Rehabilitation Centre World’s YMCA/YWCA
Snippets from Clare Mc Murray report – November 1949
The Ried Rehabilitation Centre will consist of two sections – one will provide rehabilitation for TB patients, the second will be concerned with the rehabilitation on non TB people with disabilities. It is planned that families of people with TB will be able to come to Reid at a later date.
Four of the barracks will be used for living quarters for people with TB, two barracks for people with disabilities.
During the first few days in camp the patient will be interviewed by medical, vocational training and welfare chiefs who will then coordinate ideas and suggestions as to the treatment and training that will be of greatest value to the patient. A timetable has been drawn up for the TB patients, on the basis of a modified sanatorium.
There are many items which we need for this centre – apart from the basic supplies of the I.R.O. For these items we are requesting help from voluntary organisations. Items include; radios, gramophones,records, pictures, posters, books, magazines, newspapers, old material for rug making, plants, easy chairs, bright material for covering chairs etc.
Ried Rehabilitation Centre World’s YMCA/YWCA
Snippets from Clare Mc Murray report – January 1950
Our requests for library books has received a great response and packages pour in from the US, England and Switzerland. We now have a total of 832 books, of which 500 are English, 150 German and the remainder Serbian, Russian, Ukranian, Polish, Croatian, Latvian and French.
On 26th January a masked ball was held for everyone in the Centre. The majority of our guests came in fancy dress – some very amusing and clever and many remained incognito until unmasking at midnight. Everyone joined in on the spirit of the evening and the dance went with a swing.
The International staff moved into barrack 1 at the beginning of January. It has been a case of ‘camping-out’ for these first few weeks but things are getting into order, and we will soon feel very comfortable.
Ried Rehabilitation Centre World’s YMCA/YWCA
Snippets from Clare Mc Murray report – April 1950
During the month our population has shown a substantial increase. This was brought about by the arrival of 49 people, including 28 people with TB and 21 family members from the British Zone. We have also had five people from the French Zone and a further six from the Linz area, now making a grand total of 75 people with TB undertaking training. The total number of family members is 39.
The first people with disabilities also arrived with 14 from Linz, four from Salzburg and seven from the French Zone. It is very gratifying to have so many new arrivals and we are beginning to feel that our Centre is really under swing now.
At present a total of 57 students are in the Vocational Training School and in addition 32 of our students are studying English.
'In Ried in Upper Austria there has been a splendid demonstration of what can be done with people with tuberculosis. I am talking now about severe thoractoplasties, five, six and seven rib thoractoplasties.
They are working alongside amputees and leg amputees and doing a full day’s work.
It is very encouraging to see that the world is on the march towards helping humanity and that the dignity of human being is being recognised and developed as a definite aim of the entire world’.
Bulletin Issue no. 142, United States Department of Labour, 1950
‘Clare McMurray after leave at home, packed her bags rather sadly to leave Reid Rehabilitation Centre to take up a special assignment in Trieste.
Ried to Clare had been more than a job for her interest in the Rehabilitation Centre was one to which she gave both her professional skill and attention, but also her deep personal interest and love. She is going on to a difficult assignment which we know she will do equally well’.
Worlds YMCA/YWCA Service to Displaced Persons in Austria, Monthly Report, August 1950